Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Sweater Song

I bought a really warm sweater today, and immediatly upon leaving the store I purchased it in I became depressed, because I realised that I probably won't have a chance to wear it for a while. It's so fucking hot here. It's October, for the love of God! This is MY MONTH. Well no, actually, NOVEMBER is my month, but October is usually a good month too. But no, instead of a reasonable temperature/humidity I am given this sticky, sweaty...schlocky.

Yes, I purchased the month of November, making it MY MONTH. I was going to re-name it "SOOPERMONTH" or "TURKEYFEST" or something to do with cranberry sauce, but I decided "NOVEMBER" fits quite nicely indeed.
I am actually looking forward to the next month more than this one. Yes, Halloween is "the best day of the year" according to my friends, but I'm really not into it this year. I personally think it's because I can never get into a holiday when it's hot outside. The heat saps my secret festivity reserves and turns me into a lazy mofo.

I am listening to Nirvana right now. That really has absolutely nothing to do with lazy mofos, but I'm sure you could make a correlation somewhere.

I lucked out with my choice of courses for this semester, because I have NO MIDTERMS in any of my classes. So while my peers are running around trying to study for the first time in months, I get to sit upon a pile of thrones (not just a throne, a whole PILE of 'em) and watch in amusement.