Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Sweater Song

I bought a really warm sweater today, and immediatly upon leaving the store I purchased it in I became depressed, because I realised that I probably won't have a chance to wear it for a while. It's so fucking hot here. It's October, for the love of God! This is MY MONTH. Well no, actually, NOVEMBER is my month, but October is usually a good month too. But no, instead of a reasonable temperature/humidity I am given this sticky, sweaty...schlocky.

Yes, I purchased the month of November, making it MY MONTH. I was going to re-name it "SOOPERMONTH" or "TURKEYFEST" or something to do with cranberry sauce, but I decided "NOVEMBER" fits quite nicely indeed.
I am actually looking forward to the next month more than this one. Yes, Halloween is "the best day of the year" according to my friends, but I'm really not into it this year. I personally think it's because I can never get into a holiday when it's hot outside. The heat saps my secret festivity reserves and turns me into a lazy mofo.

I am listening to Nirvana right now. That really has absolutely nothing to do with lazy mofos, but I'm sure you could make a correlation somewhere.

I lucked out with my choice of courses for this semester, because I have NO MIDTERMS in any of my classes. So while my peers are running around trying to study for the first time in months, I get to sit upon a pile of thrones (not just a throne, a whole PILE of 'em) and watch in amusement.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Candy and PAIN

Hang on, this is gonna be a big one:

Okay, so it's been a while since I've updated this thing, yeah? By 'a while' I mean 'longer than a week'. And yes, anything longer than a week is a long time. Yes, because I said so.

I'm tempted to just lock myself in my house for the next week so I can actually do some work for ME for once. But I won't do this, no, because that wouldn't appease anyone, save MYSELF of course. I hate this. I am bawling like a baby now because I really want to finish a few projects I started back some-odd weeks ago, but instead I'm writing essays on 'WHAT I HOPE TO GAIN FROM THIS UNIVERSITY'. I hope to gain a giant, steel-toed boot, which I will promptly shove up the posterior of whomever devised such a stupid writing topic. I really want to watch Leprechaun, too.

It's not all bad in the world of all-you-can-eat cafeterias and thirty pound Calc. II books, though. I've finally managed to convince my peers in the Tuesday/Thursday BS class I have (which, by the way, is the one where the ridiculous writing topic came up) that I am a rabid, antisocial young lady who does not want to join in their conversations about whether or not they should go to ULTRA tomorrow night. Leave me to my note-taking and doodling. I am a nerd. And ULTRA is the worst club on the face of the planet, anyways.

I'm really not antisocial, no, not at all. I just haven't got the will or the patience to hold up a conversation with most people, seeing as most peoples' conversations are incredibly stupid, in my opinion.

Have you ever heard a portion of someone's conversation as they walked by and just thought to yourself, "What the fuck?"And afterwards, didn't you want to go shove your head in a blender? Exactly.

In other nooz, I am once again spamming up my Twitter page with links to ridiculously stupid/funny Youtube videos. I'm thinking of setting aside a special day every week to do this from now on, so everyone can get their fill of poop all at once.
I have a strange obsession with finding these types of videos. It is an all-consuming obsession. If I had the ability to sleep like a normal person, I would have lost it after the first hundred-or-so videos. But I don't sleep anyways, so no problem there! Tally-ho, into the land of candy and PAIN!
Only An'W would get that, so I'm not even going to bother explaining myself.

It's really interesting writing this...thing, seeing as the first half (more like 1/4th) was typed about a week before this portion was. Man was I pissy last week. Pissy pissy pissy. But now I'm HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY, because I have found the portal to the land of Candy and PAIN. But it's nice pain, not very hurty at all. I have no idea what I'm talking about. Let me end this paragraph right here.

I..was going to say something else. But I don't remember. I'll update this post later. For now, I'm out like a pregnant woman's belly-button.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Is your cat plotting to kill you?
And I don't even have a cat!

Welcome, internet, to DEE'S DAY IN REVIEW.
Seeing as 'today' started about an hour ago, let's see what I've got so far.

First off, we have the lovely 'IS YOUR CAT PLOTTING TO KILL YOU' quizzola at the top of the page. If you don't have a cat, just answer the questions as they pertain to someone else's cat, i.e., your neighbour, friend, etc.

The site that hosts this quiz is HeyQuiz; for those of you into the whole quiz-thing, you may want to mosey on over there.

Now, nextly (Is that a word? Probably not.) we have lovely importantcies (also not a word) in the name of all that is sacred. Or maybe just in the name of this can of Beefaroni sitting next to me.

According to my own knowledge, and the fountain of wisdom that is Wikipedia, today (meaning '1 SEPT' not '31 AUG') is the 35th anniversary of the birth of the lovely Mr. Scolex and his decadent thought processes. Now, as some of you may know, I'm not particularly fond of ANY holiday, including birthdays. However, seeing as I had a bit of free time last week, I doodled up a wee portrait of an alien, named Randolph, in a box, wrapped up all nice and purdy for High Inquisitor Vasquez and his Jolly Minions.
Randolph can be found here and somewhere on my deviantFart account. As with all of my art, you steal it, you suffer the wrath of the rabid shrews that live behind my wardrobe.

And yes, Jhonen is lovely. In a demented, sick sort of way. But isn't that the best kind of lovely?

Sarris is quite lovely as well.



That is all.

Now, as with all good things, this journal too must come to an end. Too. Tootoo.

This isn't me speaking, it's the shrews.

Pleasant daynightsleepthing, folks. I'll be up at dawn's asscrack, heading off to make sandwiches for all the crazy little old ladies in this part of the state.

Trust me; we have a lot of little old ladies.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


So, I'm sitting here watching this really dumpy movie on Syfy, when I happen to glance at the TV and see that one of the chicks is sitting on the beach reading Harry Potter. And that sends me into a giggling fit.

But seriously, folks. Seriously. Seriously seriously seriously.

I'm working on a few things right now, one of which is a design for Infectious (which can be found here) and I would be one super slap-happy monkey if you would head on over there and give me some feedback. Or just look at it until your brain explodes out of your skull or something.
Seeing as I do most of my painting with the body fluids of people who have exploded while looking at my stuff, I DO advise this. That stuff ain't cheap, ya know?


:D More later. Or maybe not.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stanky College Kids

*I have left my doodles in at the bottom of this post. :)

I start today with a statement for you all:

Now, my explanation as to WHY this is so important that I just HAD to share it with you, INTERNET PEOPLE.

Have you ever been walking down a hallway, twiddling your thumbs and whistling a merry tune (maybe showtunes) when suddenly you were assaulted with a stench like that of a fat man's grave left open in the summer heat? Or maybe just something else really stinky? Probably so. This was the case at my school today.

My immediate thought was, "Oh my God, someone must've left their Taco Bell under a chair and stepped on it with a dead rat and some rotten eggs." I quickly glanced around, surveying the area, looking for what could be causing the stench. I looked to my left, and no such luck. I looked to my right, and there was a really tiny squirrel outside the window, but nothing that could be causing the stink. Then I looked in front of me, and saw nothing but a girl with really heavy-looking sandals on.

Look! This sandal has a shoe glued to the bottom of it!

As I walked on, the stench grew stronger until I was swimming in an ocean of odour from no apparent source. Then a thought hit me, and to test this newfound theory, I walked a little brisker until I was right behind the sandal-girl.
What had I unveiled? A classic case of nasty college B.O., or as I prefer, 'Stanky Girl With No Sense of Personal Hygeine'.


That's one of my biggest peeves: I hatehatehatehatehatex1000 bad hygeine. I don't care if you're a 'poor, starving college student' or not. Do you live in a box behind Best Buy? Do you have no arms or legs to wash your hair with? Exactly. Unless you're a hobo, or some horribly deformed amputee (or a combination of the two) with no way to wash yourself, you have no excuse. Trust me: Buying that bar of soap might not give you the immediate satisfaction that a super-sized box of Reeses Cups would, but it'll work out much better in the long run. Unless you plan on rubbing the peanut butter cups all over yourself; in that case, knock yourself out.

My krew rides wit' da banana creme, yo.

On another note, I have rugburn on my elbow from riding a mechanical bull today.


My tribute to the King of Pop.

What happened at last year's Christmas party.

Saturday, August 22, 2009



I am really starting to feel that lack of sleep I got last night.
But I did get to see Inglourious Basterds (there! I spelled it right!) in all it's three-hour-long glory. It was surprisingly good for such a long movie; normally anything over two hours just can't hold my interest. Which isn't to say IB wasn't without it's flaws; I would say there was a little too much exposition for my liking, especially in the early 'chapters'. I'm not saying it was chock-full of unneeded exposition either; I won't deny that all of the (numerous) early details were definately necessary for the final outcome. I just don't like exposition very much, needed or not. I prefer the story to unfold quietly save for a few soundtrack fiestas throughout.

I really enjoyed the music in the movie. I have always liked the music Quentin Tarantino chooses for his movies, and this one was no exception. I am listening to 'Un Amico' right now, in fact.
Drawing a lot of octopi right now for some reason. I'm a little miffed because of the events of today's open house at CLHS. That combined with the frustration of scheduling at FGCU is driving me mad. On top of that, I brought the wrong sketchbook with me today, and thus haven't been able to draw anything save for some doodles. The worm-bees, though, were drawn a while ago.

I just...need to relieve some frustration. Which is why I need my sketchbook. When I'm stressed, I either sleep or draw. Most often I draw, and after a while I'm so focused on whatever disaster I'm creating that I loose all of the excess frustration that formerly plagued me.

I CAN say, however, that my life would be a lot more complicated and a lot less productive than it is now if I was still the way I was last year. I've changed a lot, as my IRL acquaintances can tell you. Hell, I don't know how it happened, but I'm glad it did. I am disappointed to say that until this year my life revolved around being exactly the type of person I hate.


I also think that as some of my 'friends' (and I do use the word loosely, seeing as some of you make me want to beat myself over the head with a frying pan) will see that what they are doing now isn't going to be relevant in the next few years when it comes time to move out of the nest, go to college, get a job, etc. I don't know about you, but there's no way in hell I would lease an apartment next to an 18 year old in a purple wig who shouts out anime quotations at random in the middle of Publix.

I'm not pointing fingers (I'm pointing TOES!) at anyone, but if you read this and think "Oh wow, that's just like me!", you may want to take a long, hard look at yourself and think: Am I being an obnoxious meat-sack?

I really have nothing against anime or manga or anything pertaining to that type of stuff (save for the fact that IT ALL LOOKS THE SAME, which bothers me) but that doesn't mean I'm going to look at the person who comes up to me and says, "OMG DRAW ME SASUKEEEE!!!!SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" and decide to become their best friend. In fact, I would probably slap ANYONE who came up to me screaming for me to draw fanart. I hate fanart, and the entire reason why I stopped drawing for so long is because of that, and people who would ask me to draw things for them.

I also hate the use of the word 'squee' in general. Just because you're excited doesn't mean you have to stomp all over the face of proper grammar. Plus, it makes you sound like a moron.

Leave the squee-ing to Squee.

I'm not sure what triggered this banter. I don't like ranting; it makes me sound like one of my other 'friends'.
IN OTHER NOOZ....I sat in B&N and read the book-compilation of Ctrl+Alt+Del webcomics today. I enjoyed this greatly, and considered buying the book when I remembered- I spent my last $20 on movie tickets and a huge Slurpee yesterday. It was a delicious Slurpee, though.
I am going to eat soup now, and hopefully head home soon so I can get back to working on those lil' octopi/squiddies I was talking about yesterday.

Friday, August 21, 2009


So there I was, sitting in my comfy chair at my less-than-interesting college orientation, doodling on the back of rather important documents, when suddenly...


What, exactly? Well, I'll leave that to your imagination.

Anyways, as of right now, I'm sitting in the library, eating Fruity Pebbles (all sneaky-like, of course), while tearing my hair out as I try to compose a schedule that won't leave me drowning in work.


I am going to drown in work anyways, though. It's inevitable, especially since I'm virtually committing suicide by taking on two social science classes, one composition class, and a pre-calculus class ALONG WITH two online courses. This, combined with my drawing deadlines, acapella group concerts/rehearsals, ACTUAL JOB (i.e. the thing that gives me money so I can pay my bills and not starve), other groups and club meetings, makes for one impressive cyanide cocktail.



Also managed to finish the basic inking of some adorable little octopi (haha, geddit? INKING? OCTOPI? Oh wow, that was lame.) while waiting for orientation to start today. Will have picture once I stop being lazy.

God it's cold in here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Beginnings

So, it's a blog.

I have created this webpage in hopes of finding a new way to convey my...Dee-isms to the rest of the internet without subjecting myself to things like the dreaded FACEBOOK or the weenie-infested MYSPACE.

I do have a Facebook and a Myspace, but I don't use them.


Uhm, good for you. Yeah.


I am Dee. That's short for K. D., aka MY INITIALS. I am a full-time college student, full-time artist, part-time cashier at Panera Bread, and full-time wonky person.

I do freelance work, tattoo commissions, photography (by commission as well), and comics.

I will have (more) pictures as soon as I figure out how to use this thing.

An example of A Thing.