Yes, my friends, that is Sarah Palin holding up a wee lil' bee-baby to the left of that Obama-head with the creepy look.
The web-game is simple: click on Palin to throw a baby into the giant disembodied Obama head's mouth. When you throw it, Sarah pipes up with "eskimos" "Russia" "you betcha" or another word/phrase in that Palinesque accent we've all grown to love (or hate).
I managed to get a huge combo of "Russia"s, which was funny in itself, but augmented by the fact that I was also watching a video of Soviet soldiers dancing. Sarah knows what you do when you're online, folks.

There are other little details you might notice as you're tossing babies to the disembodied Obamahead, which prompts you with "MORE!" and "BABIES!" as you throw the little ones to their doom. Did you notice the baby with Hilary Clinton's face? How about the McCain baby?

I bring this to you not so you can judge it or me for favouring it. I am not promoting an "anti-Obama" stance by sharing this with you. I don't think that the creators of the game even wanted to promote that type of idea. It's supposed to be funny, and if you can't take a joke, then I feel sorry for you.
(By the way, what type of accent does Palin have anyways?)
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