Monday, August 31, 2009

Is your cat plotting to kill you?
And I don't even have a cat!

Welcome, internet, to DEE'S DAY IN REVIEW.
Seeing as 'today' started about an hour ago, let's see what I've got so far.

First off, we have the lovely 'IS YOUR CAT PLOTTING TO KILL YOU' quizzola at the top of the page. If you don't have a cat, just answer the questions as they pertain to someone else's cat, i.e., your neighbour, friend, etc.

The site that hosts this quiz is HeyQuiz; for those of you into the whole quiz-thing, you may want to mosey on over there.

Now, nextly (Is that a word? Probably not.) we have lovely importantcies (also not a word) in the name of all that is sacred. Or maybe just in the name of this can of Beefaroni sitting next to me.

According to my own knowledge, and the fountain of wisdom that is Wikipedia, today (meaning '1 SEPT' not '31 AUG') is the 35th anniversary of the birth of the lovely Mr. Scolex and his decadent thought processes. Now, as some of you may know, I'm not particularly fond of ANY holiday, including birthdays. However, seeing as I had a bit of free time last week, I doodled up a wee portrait of an alien, named Randolph, in a box, wrapped up all nice and purdy for High Inquisitor Vasquez and his Jolly Minions.
Randolph can be found here and somewhere on my deviantFart account. As with all of my art, you steal it, you suffer the wrath of the rabid shrews that live behind my wardrobe.

And yes, Jhonen is lovely. In a demented, sick sort of way. But isn't that the best kind of lovely?

Sarris is quite lovely as well.



That is all.

Now, as with all good things, this journal too must come to an end. Too. Tootoo.

This isn't me speaking, it's the shrews.

Pleasant daynightsleepthing, folks. I'll be up at dawn's asscrack, heading off to make sandwiches for all the crazy little old ladies in this part of the state.

Trust me; we have a lot of little old ladies.

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