Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Sweater Song
Yes, I purchased the month of November, making it MY MONTH. I was going to re-name it "SOOPERMONTH" or "TURKEYFEST" or something to do with cranberry sauce, but I decided "NOVEMBER" fits quite nicely indeed.
I am actually looking forward to the next month more than this one. Yes, Halloween is "the best day of the year" according to my friends, but I'm really not into it this year. I personally think it's because I can never get into a holiday when it's hot outside. The heat saps my secret festivity reserves and turns me into a lazy mofo.
I am listening to Nirvana right now. That really has absolutely nothing to do with lazy mofos, but I'm sure you could make a correlation somewhere.
I lucked out with my choice of courses for this semester, because I have NO MIDTERMS in any of my classes. So while my peers are running around trying to study for the first time in months, I get to sit upon a pile of thrones (not just a throne, a whole PILE of 'em) and watch in amusement.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Candy and PAIN
Okay, so it's been a while since I've updated this thing, yeah? By 'a while' I mean 'longer than a week'. And yes, anything longer than a week is a long time. Yes, because I said so.
I'm tempted to just lock myself in my house for the next week so I can actually do some work for ME for once. But I won't do this, no, because that wouldn't appease anyone, save MYSELF of course. I hate this. I am bawling like a baby now because I really want to finish a few projects I started back some-odd weeks ago, but instead I'm writing essays on 'WHAT I HOPE TO GAIN FROM THIS UNIVERSITY'. I hope to gain a giant, steel-toed boot, which I will promptly shove up the posterior of whomever devised such a stupid writing topic. I really want to watch Leprechaun, too.
It's not all bad in the world of all-you-can-eat cafeterias and thirty pound Calc. II books, though. I've finally managed to convince my peers in the Tuesday/Thursday BS class I have (which, by the way, is the one where the ridiculous writing topic came up) that I am a rabid, antisocial young lady who does not want to join in their conversations about whether or not they should go to ULTRA tomorrow night. Leave me to my note-taking and doodling. I am a nerd. And ULTRA is the worst club on the face of the planet, anyways.
I'm really not antisocial, no, not at all. I just haven't got the will or the patience to hold up a conversation with most people, seeing as most peoples' conversations are incredibly stupid, in my opinion.
Have you ever heard a portion of someone's conversation as they walked by and just thought to yourself, "What the fuck?"And afterwards, didn't you want to go shove your head in a blender? Exactly.
In other nooz, I am once again spamming up my Twitter page with links to ridiculously stupid/funny Youtube videos. I'm thinking of setting aside a special day every week to do this from now on, so everyone can get their fill of poop all at once.
I have a strange obsession with finding these types of videos. It is an all-consuming obsession. If I had the ability to sleep like a normal person, I would have lost it after the first hundred-or-so videos. But I don't sleep anyways, so no problem there! Tally-ho, into the land of candy and PAIN!
Only An'W would get that, so I'm not even going to bother explaining myself.
It's really interesting writing this...thing, seeing as the first half (more like 1/4th) was typed about a week before this portion was. Man was I pissy last week. Pissy pissy pissy. But now I'm HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY, because I have found the portal to the land of Candy and PAIN. But it's nice pain, not very hurty at all. I have no idea what I'm talking about. Let me end this paragraph right here.
I..was going to say something else. But I don't remember. I'll update this post later. For now, I'm out like a pregnant woman's belly-button.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sarris is quite lovely as well.
That is all.
Now, as with all good things, this journal too must come to an end. Too. Tootoo.
This isn't me speaking, it's the shrews.
Pleasant daynightsleepthing, folks. I'll be up at dawn's asscrack, heading off to make sandwiches for all the crazy little old ladies in this part of the state.
Trust me; we have a lot of little old ladies.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
But seriously, folks. Seriously. Seriously seriously seriously.
I'm working on a few things right now, one of which is a design for Infectious (which can be found here) and I would be one super slap-happy monkey if you would head on over there and give me some feedback. Or just look at it until your brain explodes out of your skull or something.
Seeing as I do most of my painting with the body fluids of people who have exploded while looking at my stuff, I DO advise this. That stuff ain't cheap, ya know?
:D More later. Or maybe not.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Stanky College Kids
Look! This sandal has a shoe glued to the bottom of it!
My krew rides wit' da banana creme, yo.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I really enjoyed the music in the movie. I have always liked the music Quentin Tarantino chooses for his movies, and this one was no exception. I am listening to 'Un Amico' right now, in fact.
Friday, August 21, 2009
So there I was, sitting in my comfy chair at my less-than-interesting college orientation, doodling on the back of rather important documents, when suddenly...
What, exactly? Well, I'll leave that to your imagination.
Anyways, as of right now, I'm sitting in the library, eating Fruity Pebbles (all sneaky-like, of course), while tearing my hair out as I try to compose a schedule that won't leave me drowning in work.
I am going to drown in work anyways, though. It's inevitable, especially since I'm virtually committing suicide by taking on two social science classes, one composition class, and a pre-calculus class ALONG WITH two online courses. This, combined with my drawing deadlines, acapella group concerts/rehearsals, ACTUAL JOB (i.e. the thing that gives me money so I can pay my bills and not starve), other groups and club meetings, makes for one impressive cyanide cocktail.
Also managed to finish the basic inking of some adorable little octopi (haha, geddit? INKING? OCTOPI? Oh wow, that was lame.) while waiting for orientation to start today. Will have picture once I stop being lazy.
God it's cold in here.