'Sup? Yes, this is the real Dee, the living, breathing Dee, here to discuss proof of my continued existence despite being away from the internets for some long period of time. In truth, I was never gone, simply hiding, lurking in the shadows, as is my nature. See, I am one of the last remaining beings from the ancient culture once known as CREEPY LURKY KID.
Lurkygirl loves bread and jam!
I intended to postpone my return to the immaterial world until I had something actually WORTHWHILE to post about, however it appears this did not suit the internet monster and, after having it bite my leg off above the knee, I am here to post about some RANDOM SHIT THAT INTERESTS ME.
And, because I am hungry, I have decided to dedicate this post to FOOD.
Fact: Did you know that in WWI & WWII they used REAL carrier pigeons to transport messages sometimes? Not fake pigeons, but REAL ones. The word "REAL" is in all-caps to emphasize the REAL-ness.
Anywho, yes, I am still alive and drawing horrendously deformed blobbythings that serve the sole purpose of amusing me as I doodle them at 3am-ish after watching really bad TV.
And speaking of hideous blobbythings, I have found a new possible favourite show that I feel the need to promote on my seldom-read blog. It is so called "ADVENTURE TIME WITH FINN AND JAKE" and it is also written in all-caps to emphazise its important place in my life. Not because it's all that great of a show, necessarily, but because of the art style.
It's hard for me not to love the idea of something with such a quirky style; quirky being code for "not bulbous and bulgy in the way most cartoon-styles I've seen on TV are". Don't get me wrong, it's still a cartoon, but it has a signature style about it that makes me giggle. So, even though I don't get Cartoon Network in my area, I will be attending private viewings of this show at Cinema du YouTube.
In other news, I am making noodles. Not just any noodles, but käsespätzle, the food that has kept me alive for the past week while I was slugging around on Spring Break. So, I will leave you with an image of what I am eating, as you sit there with your bag of Doritos, cursing the fact that your mother never taught you to cook.